Further Reading on Presbyterianism, the Kirk and the Covenanters

The bibliography below includes some small pamphlets as well as major scholarly works. It is offered as a source of further reading. Many of the books are out of print but may be available from antiquarian booksellers and companies specialising in re prints. It is always worthwhile to enquire of your local library about a book which may be available through an inter library loan service. For those able to make use of the facilities, there is a wealth of information in the Edinburgh City Library, the National Library of Scotland, the National Archives, and many libraries in the South West of Scotland.

Anderson, Rev James.  The Ladies of the Covenant. New York, Redfield.(1851).
Balmaghie Kirk Session, The Kirk above Dee Water.  Balmaghie, Scotland, Undated.
Ballantyne. R.M. Hunted and Harried. London, James Nisbet & Co.ca 1890.[Historical novel ]
Beveridge Henry and Jules  Bonnet Selected works of John Calvin.  Edinburgh:n.p, ca 1850; reprint Edmonton: Still Waters Revival Books, 1996.
Bosanquet, R.C. Cavaliers and Covenanters: The Crookham Affray of 1678. Newcastle, Soc. of Antiquaries (1932). 
Burnet, Bishop Gilbert History of My Own Times, ed O.Airy,  2 vols, Oxford, 1897-1900.
Calderwood, David.  The History of the Kirk of Scotland. (8 volumes)  Ed. Thos. Thomson.  Edinburgh: Wodrow Society, 1842.
Calvin, John Institutes of the Christian Religion.  Ed. John T. McNeill Louisville: Westminster John Knox Press, 1960.
Cameron, Thomas Peden the Prophet . Edinburgh.,Blue Banner  Productions (1998)
Campbell. David Graham Scotland`s Story in Her Monuments. London, Robert hale,(1982).
Campbell, Thorbjorn     Standing Witnesses. Edinburgh,  Saltire Society. (1996)
Carslaw, Rev.W H Ed.  The Life and Letters of James  Renwick the Last  Scottish  Martyr. Helensburgh,  Scotland. Oliphant Anderson &, Ferrier. (1893). 
Charles II. 

A Large Declaration concerning the Late Tumults in Scotland. London, Robert Young, (1639)  Facsimile, Newtown, Powys.    Jacobus Publications, (1995).

Cheap, John The Chapman`s Library, Religious and Scriptural, Glasgow, Robert Lindsay,(1877).
Cook, Faith.  Samuel Rutherford and his Friends.  Edinburgh, Banner of Truth Trust, (1992).
Coward, Barry.  Stuart England 1603-1714.  London: Longman, (1997).
Davies, Godfrey.  The Early Stuarts 1603-1660.  Oxford: Clarendon Press, (1959).
Daviot. Gordon Claverhouse, Collins, London (1937).
Dick Rev. C H.  Highways & Byways in Galloway & Carrick. London. MacMillan & Co. Ltd. (1927)        
Dodds, James   The Fifty Years Struggle of the  Scottish Covenanters. London,  Houlston & Sons (1868)
Durisdeer Ian    More Stewartry Sketches. Scotland. Castle DouglasThe Forward Press. Undated.
Eglesheime, George.  The Forerunner of Revenge upon the Duke of  Buckinghame, for the poysoning of the Most   Potent King, James, of happie memorie, King  of Great Britaine, and the Lord Marqueis of Hammiltoun, and others of the Nobilitie; discovered by Mr George Eglesheme , one of  King James his Physicians for his Majestie`spersoun above the space of ten yeeres.  N.p.: n.p., 1626.
Fraser, Antonia. King Charles II.  London,  Weidenfield & Nicolson, (1979). 
Fletcher, Anthony.  The Outbreak of the English Civil War.  London:  Edward Arnold, (1981).
Furgol, Edward.  A Regimental History of the Covenanting Armies  1639-1651.  Edinburgh: John Donald Publishers,  Ltd., 1990.
General Assembly of the Church of Scotland. A solemn Testimony against Toleration. Edinburgh: A.Ker, Clerk to the General            Assembly , 1649; reprint Edmonton:  Still Waters Revival Books, 1996.
General Assembly of the Church of Scotland. The Declinatour and Protestation of the some sometimes pretended Bishops. Edinburgh: J. Bryson, 1639; reprint Edmonton:  Still Waters Revival Books, 1996.
General Assembly of the Church Scotland                      Acts of the General Assembly of the Church of  Scotland 1638-1649.  Edinburgh:1682; reprint Edmonton: Still Waters Revival Books, (1996).
Gilfillan, George.  The Martyrs and heroes of the Scottish Covenant, London , Gall & Inglis, (1863)
Gordon. Anne Death is for the Living. Edinburgh. Paul Harris Publishing.(1984).
Grainger, John D.  Cromwell Against the Scots.  Midlothian:    Tuckwell Press, Ltd., 1997.
Guthrie, William.  The Christian’s Great Interest.  Edinburgh: Guthrie, 1658; reprint Edinburgh: Banner  of Truth Trust, 1969.
Hector, William.     Selections of the Judicial Records  of Renfrewshire. Paisley,  J&J Cook, (1876).
Hetherington, W. M. The Works of George Gillespie, The Presbyterian’s Armoury.  Edinburgh: Ogle, Oliver & Boyd, 1846.


Hewison, James King. 


The Covenanters. A History of the Church in  Scotland from the Reformation to the Revolution. Glasgow, John Smith & Son,         (1908).
Hill, George. The MacDonnells of Antrim  Belfast:  Archer & Sons, 1873.
Hill George ,Ed.  Montgomery Manuscripts. Belfast: James Cleland, 1869.
Howie, John. The Scots Worthies, Revised Ed, W.H. Carslaw (1851), Banner of  Truth Trust, Edinburgh (1995)  
Howie, John.    Biographia Scoticana, 1781 version. Edmonton  Canada. Still  Waters Revival Books. Reprint (1996).
Johnston, Rev.John C.  Alexander Peden, The Prophet of  the Covenant. Ireland, Mourne  Missionary Trust Reprint.(1988)
Johnston, Rev.John C.  Treasury of the Scottish Covenant  Edinburgh, Andrew Elliott. (1887).
Kenyon, John and Jane Ohlmeyer. Ed. The Civil Wars , A military History of England, Scotland and Ireland 1638 - 1660.    Oxford: University Press, (1998).
Knox, John.  The Works of John Knox. (6 volumes) Ed. David Laing.  Edinburgh: Bannantyne Club,1846-1854; reprint Edmonton: Still Waters Revival Books, 1996.
Latham, Robert. Ed.  The Illustrated Pepys, Extracts from the Diary, London, Bell & Hyman, (1979).
Lawson, Rev. R    The Covenanters of Ayrshire   Paisley, J&R Parlane, (1887).
Lockyer, Roger.     Tudor and Stuart Britain 1471-1714,  London:  Longman, (1985).
T. K. Lowry Ed. The Hamilton Manuscripts. Belfast: Archer & Sons, (1867).
Mackenzie, William.  The History of Galloway from the Earliest Period to the Present Time.  Kirkcudbright:     John Nicholson, 1841; reprint Bowie: Heritage Books Inc., (2002)
M`Crie Rev. Thomas  Sketches of Church History. Edinburgh.John  Johnstone.(1846).
M’Crie, Rev.Thomas.  Life of John Knox.  Edinburgh: William Blackwood & Sons, 1855; reprint Edmonton: Still Waters Revival Books, (1996).
M’Crie, Rev.Thomas. Life of Andrew Melville.  (2 volumes)       Edinburgh: William Blackwood, 1819; reprint   Edmonton: Still Waters Revival Books, (1996).
M’Crie, Rev.Thomas.  The Lives of Alexander Henderson and James Guthrie.  Edinburgh: General Assembly of Scotland,1856; reprint Edmonton: Still Waters Revival Books, (1996).
McDonald, Rev M.  The Covenanters in Moray & Ross. Inverness, Melven Brothers (1892)
McGregor, A. A.  The Buried Barony. London, Robert Hale Ltd. (1949)
Maclean, Colin.   Going to Church. Edinburgh. National Museum of Scotland. (1997)
Mackenzie, William.  The History of Galloway from the earliest period to the present time. Kirkcudbright. John Nicholson. (1841)
McWard, Rev. Robert  A Collection of Tracts. Banders Disbanded,    the poor man’s Cup of Cold Water, A testimony against the Cess, 1679.  Dalry: John Gemmill,1805; reprint Edmonton: Still Waters Revival Books, (1996).
Magnusson, Magnus  Scotland, the story of a Nation.   London: Harper Collins, (2000).
Metcalfe, William M.   A History of the County of  Renfrew, Paisley, Alexander Gardner (1905)
Moir, W. Bryce.  The Flodden Wall. The Covenanters Prison on Greyfriars Yard Edinburgh.  Edinburgh: T. & A. Constable, (1910).
Morton, A.S.   Galloway and the Covenanters  Paisley, Alexander Gardner (1914).
Official Guide to   the Ruthwell Cross. Edinburgh: Historical Scotland, (1998)
Orr. Brian J A Layman`s Guide to the Scottish Reformation. Heritage Books (2004) or author
Orr. Brian J The Sojjers are Comin, CD and database Dumfries & Galloway FHS
Orr. Brian J Testimony of the Covenant (2010) www.lulu.com  or author
Paterson, James.   History of the Counties of Ayr & Wigton.  Edinburgh. James Stillie, (1863).
Penninghame Kirk  Extract from the Session Book of  the Parish of Penninghame.  Dumfries, J McDiarmid & Co. (1826).
Peterkin, Alexander. Ed. The Booke of the Universall Kirk  of  Scotland Edinburgh, Blackwood. (1838)
Peterkin, Alexander. Ed. Records of the Kirk of Scotland. Edinburgh. Blackwood, (1838)
Pollok,  Robert   Tales of the Covenanters. Edinburgh: Oliphant, Anderson & Ferrier.  (ca 1895). 
Pollok, Robert.  Ralph Gemmell, a Story of Covenanting Times. Kilmarnock: John Ritchie, n.d.
Prothero G. W     Select Statutes and other Constitutional Documents of the reign of Elizabeth I and  James I. London.Oxford University Press. (1946)    
Reid, Rec. H.M.B     One of King William`s Men. Edinburgh, John Menzies & Co, (1898)
Reid, Rev. H.M.B.   The Kirk Above Dee Water Castle Douglas, Adam Rae,(1895)
Renwick, Rev. James. The Life and Letters of James Renwick          the Last Scottish Martyr. Ed. W. H. Carslaw.   Helensburgh: Oliphant, Anderson & Ferrier,    (1893).
Ritchie, George.  Stones of Destiny.  Scone: Kirk Session of Old Scone Parish Church, (1986).
Robertson, Charles G. Select Statutes, Cases, and Documents.  London: Methuen & Co., Ltd., (1904).
Roy, David.    The Covenanters. Airdrie, The Covenanter  Theological Institute ,(1997).
Rutherford, Rev Sml.   Lex, Rex or The Law and the  Prince. Harrisonburg,VA.   Sprinkle Publications, Reprint 1644 edn (1982)
Rutherford, Rev. Samuel.    Letters of Samuel Rutherford.  Holland:         Robert McWard, 1664; reprint Edinburgh:  Banner of Truth Trust, 1996.
Sawyer, Beatrice Mair.  Seven Men of the Kirk.  Edinburgh: Church of Scotland Youth Committee, 1959.
Shapiro, Hyman.  Scotland in the days of James VI.  London:   Longman Group, Ltd., 1970.
Shepherd, Thomas. Modern Athens, Edinburgh in the Eighteenth  century.  London: Jones & Co., 1829.
Shields Alexander Rev  A Hind Let Loose . Calton,  Edinburgh, John Kirk (1797).
Simpson Rev. Robert   Traditions of the Covenanters.  Edinburgh, Gall & Inglis (1867)
Simpson, Robert   Martyrland, A Tale of the days of  the Covenanters. Glasgow, Pickering & Inglis (1929) [ Novel ]
Smellie Rev A    Men of the Covenant. London.  A. Melrose (1903)
Smout T. C     A History of the Scottish People 1560  - 1830. London. Fontana Press (1985)
Spottiswoode, John.  History of the Church of Scotland. Edinburgh:
Spottiswoode, 1655; reprint London: Mernston Scolar Press, 1972.
Stewart J & Sterling J.  Napthali, or the Wrestlings of the Church of  Scotland for the Kingdom of  Christ. Edinburgh (1693). Edmonton, Still Waters       Revival Books, reprint  (1996).
Stewartry District  Council.  Covenanting Sites in the Stewartry                of Kirkcudbright.  Dumfries: Stewartry         Museum Service, 1995.
Stroud, Angus.    Stuart England., London, Routledge.(1999).
Swift, Dean J.    Memoirs of Captain John Creichton, from his own memorials. Drawn up and digested by Dean Swift. (1731).
Terry C. Stanford    A History of Scotland from the Roman  evacuation  to the Disruption.1843.               Cambridge. U P.  (1920).
Thomson Rev. J.H. Ed.  A Cloud of Witnesses for the Royal Prerogative of  Jesus Christ, (1871) Harrisonburg,VA. Sprinkle Publications. Reprint (1989).
Thompson Rev. J. H.   The Martyr Graves of Scotland.  Edinburgh, Johnstone, Hunter & Co. (1877)
Townsend.George  Ed. Acts and Monuments of John Foxe.   (8 volumes)   London: Seeley, Burnside &         Seeley, 1846; reprint Edmonton: Still Waters  Revival Books, 1996.
Turner, Sir James     Memoirs of his own Life and Times,         1632-70, Ed Thomas McRie ,Edinburgh, (1829)
Vos, Johnannes G.   The Scottish Covenanters. Reformed Presbyterian Church of  America (1940). 
Watt, Very Rev L.M.  The Scottish Covenanters, London, James & Co. (ca 1910).
Walker Rev. Patrick. Six Saints of the Covenant, Ed.  Hay Fleming London. Hodder & Stoughton (1901)
Wedgwood C. V.   The Trial of Charles I, London,  William Collins & Co Ltd, (1964)
Westminster Assembly. The Westminster Confession of Faith.  Edinburgh: Andrew Anderson, 1679.
Wilkinson J. T.   1662 and After, Three Centuries of  English Nonconformity.  London.pworth Press. (1962)
Willsher. Betty  Understanding Scottish Graveyards. Edinburgh. Cannongate Books (1985)
Willsher. Betty & Hunter. Doreen Stones - 18th century Scottish Gravestones. Edinburgh, Canongate. (1978),
Wilson, Derek.  The King and the Gentleman.  London:          Hutchinson, 1999.
Wodrow Rev. Robert   History of the Sufferings of the Church of Scotland, Glasgow. Blackie & Son. (1836). National Library of Scotland.
Wylie, J.A.     The Scots Worthies, London:  William McKenzie.  (1876)
Wylie, James.   A Story of the Covenant.  Edinburgh: Blue Banner Productions, 1998
Young. John R. Ed.  Celtic Dimensions of the British Civil Wars. Edinburgh, John Donald Publishers,(1997).

Orr Name Study Ulster Scots Reference material