" Scotch impudence and perserverance is
beyond all "
History tells us that it was the
ability to adapt and improve machinery and processes that
saw the change from linen to cotton manufacture in the
Paisley and Glasgow areas during the 1800s. With this grew
a strong competition in the market place for so long
enjoyed by the Lancashire cotton manufacturers. It was
this competition that caused Samuel Oldknow, a Lancashire
textile magnate, to utter the above comment . Concomitants
of the industrial growth were more and better roads, and
canals for the carriage of raw materials for the new iron
works. These developments meant more employment, urban
growth, higher standards of living and a demand for the
conveniences of life - the consumer society and service
industries began to emerge.
I decided to have a look for Scottish
Orrs who were innovative in some way and found the following

It was
against the background of a demand from the middle classes
for the `elegancies of life ` that a niche market for a
carpet cleaning service was found and exploited by
Alexander Orr (1839 - 1919) of Edinburgh. I am indebted to
his grandson Alexander C Orr of Scone, Perthshire for the
information of his ancestor and the business.
We tend to think of carpets merely as
floor covering but in the 18th century it was commonly a
thick woolen fabric used to cover tables and beds. The
manufacture of hand made carpets as floor coverings was
brought from France and it was not until the 19th century
that power looms were introduced. During the 19th century
homes were carpeted with free lying squares and when
soiled were lifted and beaten with flails . Alexander Orr
(Sr) was a cabinet maker and upholsterer who had premises
in Pitt Street, Edinburgh. He started a carpet cleaning
business and developed industrial machinery for the
purpose which he patented in 1887. Very simply
he improved the construction and way the machine beat and
cleaned carpets , and the way the dust was collected. He
produced his machines in three sizes, 15ft 17ft and 20ft
long using Oregon pine for the casing.. On his death the
rights passd to his son, Thomas (1864 - 1929 ) who had
trained as an engineer and who continued production in
Fettes Row, Edinburgh. These industrial machines were used
by carpet cleaners, laundries, house furnishers and the
like with well over a hundred in use throughout the UK and
The carpet cleaning side of the
business was managed by another son, George Marshall Orr (
1879 - 1939 ), who took over the manufacturing side in
1929. He continued manufacture and spent a deal of time
travelling at home and abroad supervising assembly and
installation. During this period a modern dust extraction
unit was added. A further son, Richard (- 1986 ) had an
interest in the busines and set up his own carpet cleaning
business in Liberton, Edinburgh which closed down in 1986.
In 1923 George Orr, now trading under
his own name, moved from Fettes Row firstly to Drum Brae
Road, Corstorphine and then to larger , more modern
premises on the Glasgow Road,
Corstorphine where he ran the business until his death in
1939. All types of rugs, carpets and tapestries were
received for cleaning while repairs and alterations were
carried out on traditional and oriental carpets. These
services were carried out for the public and trade
customers as well as for Insurance companies . A
furnishing department offered an innovatory ` Home
Selection Service ` where pattern books were delivered to
peoples homes " for leisurely selection " From 1939 until
1959 the family of George continued to run the business
before it passed to his son, Alexander C Orr.
Now well into the 20th century the Orr
Carpet Beating Machine was of sufficient significance to
be included in the ` Design Review ` published by the
Council of Industrial Design, for the 1951 Festival of
Change was, however, catching up with
the market place as general standards of living improved
and the introduction of fitted carpets with in situ
cleaning, resulted in less lifting of carpets for
cleaning. Sadly the call for the machines became less and
the last two were produced in the 1960`s - a reconditioned
machine for England and a final new machine with metal
framework ( another innovation ) to South Africa. Regular
orders were still executed for spares but continuation was
not viable and the firm of George Orr ( Machine Makers and
Carpet Cleaners ) ceased trading on 21 June 1968.
The invention may not rank in the
public mind alongside those of some more famous Scots -
John Logie Baird (TV) , John Boyd Dunlop (car tyres ) or
John Paul Jones ( the US Navy ) to mention just a few -
but it did bring to many a better quality of day to day
life for the best part of 100 years. For that our grateful